The only way to really get good at something is to simply practice it. Public Speaking is no exception. Own your message and be open to deliver it.

I am often asked this question, "How do you become a Public Speaker?" I firmly believe it is a divine gift; however, it is a gift which has to be developed. Another question I am often asked is, "How do you get over the fear when you want to speak?" Once again, it goes back to cultivating and developing the gift.

Years ago when I was in elementary school, I discovered my love for writing and speaking. Writing helped me to process and understand many things in life. After writing, I had a desire to share my thoughts with others. I can recall participating in 4-H speaking competitions and winning blue ribbons. Was I afraid to get up on that stage? Yes, I was but that did not stop me! With knees knocking and my voice trembling, I delivered my speech. Those blue ribbons encouraged me to do it again - over and over again.

Little did I know that writing and speaking were major components of my God-given purpose. The more often I wrote and the more often I spoke, they both became easier. I became more efficient in the process, as well.

If Public Speaking is something you desire to do, I want you to know you can do it! Know also that it is a process. Practice, practice, practice will make you perfect. Consistency is key. You have a message the world is waiting to hear. It is time to develop the gift within and get ready to use the gift to bless others.

I'm cheering you on. I know you can do it. I believe in you.

Always be ready to invest in you.

Joy & Peace,

Coach J Dianne Tribble

Categories: coaching, confidence, empowerment, professional developent, Public speakimg, wellness